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Antinitro diet

Idea of antinitro came from vegetarian one and went further to where less nitrogen and more oxygen. Here not the organism, chaos is on the strict diet. Grains give such strength. In starch, glucose is unavailable for yeast, lovers of sweets. B vitamins play key role in the citric acid cycle. If only there is no indigestible gluten, speeding up the nitrogen cycle, and less perishable fats as well as phytoestrogens – strange uncontrolled growth hormone. Refined short-grain rice just right. It’s easier to digest than medium-grain one not to mention long-grain behind the fragrance of which pirroline, carcinogenic as acrylamide, stands. The tendency of rice to accumulate arsenic isn't problem for competent chief. Porridge will not spoil from the butter. Besides vital cholesterol and original vitamin A there is exactly what membranes constantly divided cells of born marrow, skin dermis, mucosa of gut, respiratory tract and genitals need. Oxidation resistant polyunsaturated fatty acid CLA. Vegetable oil unstable and confuses the body with phytosterols - quasi cholesterols. Proteins are our blood and flesh on one hand and the embodiment of nitrogen on the other. Fresh, thermo-coagulated cheese is the way out of this trap. Milk proteins, the only intended by nature to eat, free of purines. Immunoglobulins arm with antibodies better any vaccine. Lactobacillus suppressing immunity by lactic acid like cancer cells, left without lactose. The less fructose, carotenes, nitrates and soluble dietary fibers, susceptible to fermentation, the more benefit of fruits and vegetables. Fructose is sweeter than sugar. Carotenes oxidize to mutagenic epoxides. Because of nitrates, hemoglobin rusts and the nitrogen cycle bacteria award nitrosamine - carcinogen number one to vegetarians too. Vitamin C slows down the nitrogen cycle but can’t cope with a mess. Mushrooms are co-carcinogenic fruits of purine-rich yeast. Cocoa contain a lot of purine alkaloid theobromine - secondary metabolite bases of life. Herpes loves chocolate especially with nuts. Wraps newborns in arginine. Soft drinks tone up latent viruses by caffeine - another end product of the nitrogen cycle. In water, there’s no nitrates deeper its circulation underground and above the clouds.